NXT-Cloud® B2B Exchange Services

GPO B2B Exchange Services are available to ensure that your GPOs transaction sets (e-procurement documents) are successfully exchanged between your members, preferred suppliers, and GPO-managed national account customers.

Transaction Set Data Warehousing - All processed procurement documents are extracted, transformed, and loaded into a SQL-Server® Data Warehouse, supporting detail level data analysis and reporting functionality for your management team and authorized member end-users.

Professional Experienced Staff - NEXTStep provides the necessary infrastructure and staff resources to deploy and maintain a cost-effective and efficient electronic document exchange capability for your GPO.

GPO B2B Exchange Services

  • Transaction Process Flow Monitoring
  • Technical Troubleshooting
  • Proactive Issue Remdiation

Pro-active Error Correction

  We are Measurably Different! - NEXTStep is measurably different than the typical value-added network (VAN) provider of B2B exchange services. Traditionally, when a transaction set error is encountered, the VAN help desk will identify the issue, communicate through email the nature of the issue, and request the sender to correct and resend the transaction set for reprocessing. This manual process introduces a procurement cycle delay and costly remediation expense.

  Procurement Cycle Cost Savings - At NEXTStep, we proactively correct certain types of transaction set errors for the sender, saving your GPO time and money. Of course, there are errors that will require sender involvement; but many types of errors, such as: common syntax errors, missing known account numbers, sender recurring-type issues, etc., can be quickly and accurately corrected with little or no sender input.